Sports activities

Our courses begin regularly and both children and adults are welcome to join group lessons and individual programmes that are already in progress. If you wish to attend lessons in any sports offered by us but would not like to buy a longer-term pass for the first occasion, you can also buy a daily ticket to attend a training.

Our lessons are also suspended during the summer school holidays but we are willing to launch any programme if there is sufficient demand for it. During the summer holidays we organise camps where your child can do sports and receive three meals a day. Intensive courses are organised only in summer.
Please bring or provide your children with an other pair of shoes/slippers, and we also recommend an other clothes to change and towels for each course.

In order to maintain good hygiene, please provide a swimming cap for your child just as for yourself for pool lessons because the pool cannot be used without a swimming cap. Swimming caps can be bought  in our facility in case you forget to bring one.

Thank you for your co-operation and understanding.

While your child is attending a lesson, you can also spend your time in a pleasanr, healthy way.  Use our 2-hours swimming ticket! Just like with a day ticket, the 2-hour ticket is also valid for the sauna, the steam bath and the massage pool. The only condition of it is that you have to get back to the reception within 2 hours from the purchase of the ticket.

A Létesítmény üzemeltetője a Hegyvidéki Sportcsarnok és Sportközpont Kft.

A Domain tulajdonosa: Budapest Főváros XII. kerület Hegyvidéki Önkormányzat


Open from Monday to Friday




On Sunday

8:00 - 20:00

1123 Budapest, Csörsz u. 14-16.

Tel: +36 70 390 0779
info (at)

GPS: 47.4900663,19.022626